Dr. David Gault FRCS | Plastic Surgeon | Inventor of Ear Buddies

David Gault FRCS Cirujano Plástico Especialista

David Gault, the Plastic Surgeon who developed EarBuddies™, has now retired from clinical practice, but for a limited time, online appointments for EarBuddies Consultation and Fitting Assistance are available via Zoom. You can book an online appointment here.

"EarBuddies lleva 25 años estando disponible en Reino Unido, y 15 años mundialmente, pero demasiado a menudo, se les asegura falsamente a los padres que las orejas de su bebé mejorarán sin tratamiento. Es normalmente lo contrario. Las orejas parecen normales inmediatamente después del nacimiento, y los padres se sienten aliviados, sobretodo si hay el antecedente de orejas deformes o prominentes en la familia. Sin embargo, durante los próximos 3-6 meses, a medida que endurece el cartílago, las orejas se desvían paulatinamente. A menudo, el comentario inocente de un amigo o de un pariente es lo que llama la atención de los padres a lo que puede acabar siendo una fuente de vergüenza por toda la vida si no es corregida."

"La corrección temprana de orejas con EarBuddies™ ofrece una posibilidad real de evitar una cirugía, y todo el acoso escolar que lo precede. Si aumenta el uso temprano de las tablillas EarBuddies™, las orejas prominentes o deformes pueden dejar de ser un problema."

Background and Training

David Gault became a Consultant in 1991, having graduated from Edinburgh University (MB ChB 1977). He trained in Plastic Surgery at St Andrews Hospital, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. He was Fellow to Dr. Daniel Marchac in Paris, and trained with Burt Brent in California, Francois Firmin in Paris and Satoru Nagata in Japan.

Development of new techniques and devices

David Gault has developed several new techniques and devices, now in use worldwide. In a combined project with the Swansea Institute, he developed the Depilation (hair removal) Laser. He designed an extravasation kit to flush-out noxious chemotherapy agents when they leak from the infusion site, an innovation which saves many limbs each year. His ear reconstruction methods have permitted better results and shorter procedures, and his pinnaplasty (surgery to reshape and, usually, to pin back the ear) techniques have greatly reduced the risk of post-operative haematoma, which can have catastrophic consequences.

He developed the EarBuddies system when one of his own children was born with a misshapen ear.

Academic output

Membership of professional organisations

David Gault is a member of:

You can book an appointment with David Gault on his website.