Masako & her Daughter Emma

December 01, 2020

Masako & her Daughter Emma

“Emma was born with a rim kink in her left upper ear lobe. At first, I thought it was because she had her left hand against her face when she was born and it was pressing her ear. I thought it would pop out in a few days, but when I didn't see any changes after a few days, I started to get a bit worried that she will grow up with a permanent ear deformity. I started googling about ear deformities in newborns and came across EarBuddies. I was hesitant at first and part of me was still hoping that her ear would naturally be fixed, but when she was 2 weeks old and seeing no changes in her ear, I decided to order the kit and give it a try.

Her first fitting was at 3 weeks old. She was asleep in my arms as I fitted the splints and she remained surprisingly asleep the whole time. The tape started to come off after a week, so I took off everything and refitted her. I was very pleased then to see the improvement of her kink after just one week.

The tapes only lasted 7-9 days so I refitted her each time. I was hoping to be done with the fitting after 4 weeks, but at that point she still had a slight kink so I decided to refit her for another week. Getting the splint to the right shape to fix her kink was tricky since I couldn't quite get the splint to push out the kink in the corners of her ear. After another 10 days, I only saw a slight improvement so I was going to end the fitting. But after 2 and a half weeks without splints, I kept thinking about if I could give it another try to make any improvements. Since I had some tape left, I decided to use it up so I don't have any regrets. The tape stayed on for another 10 days, at which point it didn't really make much improvement but I was glad I gave it a last try. Her ear is not perfectly smooth compared to her other ear but much better. I'm very happy that I decided to try EarBuddies early and not wait any longer.”

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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