“When Molly was born and handed to me, the first thing I saw was an extra fold of cartilage in her ear as my husband brought her towards me. This turned out to be a conchal crus. At her 2 week Pediatrician appointment, I brought it up to our doctor who referred us to an ENT specialist. He recommended we order EarBuddies. When it arrived, he helped us shape the splint and Molly wore it for 2 short weeks. We were planning to just change the tape after 2 weeks and re-apply it, only to find that her ear already looked perfect! We did not even have to put it back on.
Before EarBuddies - 1 Week Old
EarBuddies Fitted - 3 Weeks Old
6 Weeks Old (1.5 weeks after EarBuddies removed)
We are very impressed with the ease of using EarBuddies and the great results in such a short time. Our daughter will be able to comfortably wear in-ear headphones one day and never have to be self conscious of her ear. Thank you EarBuddies!”