"My little one was born with a Conchal Crus deformity, in which there is an abnormal fold of cartilage dividing the mid portion of the concha. I honestly was at a loss of what to do initially and was worried about an increased incidence of ear infections and other issues as my little one got older with this deformity. I came across EarBuddies online, however, and decided that it was worth a try.
I purchased EarBuddies and within a week or so received the kit. It was pretty easy to use and my little one was not bothered by the placement. Within one week we saw major improvement already (as seen in the middle photo) and were so excited. Once our treatment time, as recommended, was over, we were amazed at the results. It was as if there was no deformity in the first place! The ear has also maintained the shape months later and looks perfect (as seen in the third photo)."
After 1 Week
Months later