Joni & her Son Fletcher

August 01, 2020

Joni & her Son Fletcher

“I bought EarBuddies when my little boy was 3 weeks old as he had quite a curved ear that stuck out compared to the other one. I looked at the reviews and was hopeful they would work for him. I wanted to try to fix it without going down the surgery route when he was a lot older and would cause him pain.

I fitted it in his ear with the help of my husband which was fiddly but relatively easy after cleaning his ears and shaving his sides; which I was really worried about doing as no one wants to shave their babies hair but I'm glad I sacrificed a few weeks of him having a funny hair cut rather than him possibly getting bullied and needing surgery later on in life.

Baby's Ear folded over

Before EarBuddies - 3 weeks old

Baby using Ear Buddies

EarBuddies fitted - 4 weeks old

Folded Over Ears can be Fixed without Surgery

After 4 weeks using EarBuddies

Recent Ear Buddies Results

After 4 Weeks using EarBuddies

They were fitted for 3.5 weeks and there was a huge difference from before we fitted the splint to after. His ear now has definition to it and doesn't stick out as much and looks more symmetrical to the other ear. I am so glad we bought EarBuddies, thank you so much! ”

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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