Joanna & her Daughter Amelia

October 01, 2020

Joanna & her Daughter Amelia

“Our sweet Amelia was born this past fall, and she was precious in every way. In fact, I was relieved to notice that her little ears were perfectly tucked back, and that she did not inherit her mommy's stick out ears. But at 3 months old, I began to notice her ears poking out. I hesitated in ordering the Ear Buddies because most family and friends said "they don't stick out too bad!" It wasn't until she was six months old that her ears were very noticeable sticking out, that we finally decided to make the Ear Buddy journey.

After 4 months of taping, we are finally done and can say, we are so grateful we did it! Her ears are so cute and holding their position perfectly. Many family and friends who see her ears now are so impressed with what a wonderful job Ear Buddies has done.

Baby's Ear folded over

Before using EarBuddies

Baby using Ear Buddies

After 4 Months using EarBuddies

Folded Over Ears can be Fixed without Surgery

Before using EarBuddies

Recent Ear Buddies Results

After 4 Months using EarBuddies

But it's not to say the journey was always easy... after this experience, here is the advice I would give:

  • Start as soon as possible! I regret hesitating when she was 3 months old. It was much more difficult from 6- 10 months old because she could pull at the tape.
  • Please purchase the skin prep and adhesive remover! We did not buy these "optional" items at first, but so regretted it. After her first week of tapes, her ears were so raw and irritated, that I had to keep them off for a week to heal. After that, the skin prep and adhesive remover protected the delicate skin around the ears.
  • Don't worry about what others think- I struggled with this one at first, wondering how I would explain why my daughter's ears are taped. After a while, I would just put on a pretty bow, and if it came off, I didn't fret about others seeing her tape.

    Thank you Ear Buddies for a wonderful product!”

    Also in Earbuddies-stories

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