“When our little angel came into the world, we noticed that something seemed odd in her ear, but we did not have any idea about what's going on and we thought it was kind of normal because the baby will grow up and her ear will take its usual form. Time passed and we did not see any progress or change of form. We started to take action and investigated the condition we were seeing. Surfing over the web, my wife found some interesting images that were similar to what we were seeing on our daughter's ear. With this info we found some articles on the web and also some solutions that it might be worth to try it. That’s how we were informed about the EarBuddies solution, and the different cases posted on their website.
Before EarBuddies - 2 Months Old
EarBuddies Fitted
After 2 Months
7 Months after finishing EarBuddies
We followed the process as they recommended for at least 2 months and we could not be happier with the result obtained during that time. As you can see in the picture, it's like nothing happened to our baby and her ear looks awesome. We truly recommend EarBuddies.”