Emma & her Daughter Polly

November 15, 2019

Emma & her Daughter Polly

"Naturally when your baby is born you think they are perfect and when Polly was born obviously I thought she was the most perfect baby, but I knew from day one that she had, unfortunately, inherited my ears. I think I could even tell in her 4D scan. I had my ears pinned back at 22 and then needed revision surgery which was painful. I hated wearing my hair up and still don’t because I think it’s just instilled in me. I didn’t want this for Polly and I googled to see if there was anything I could do to help.

I came across EarBuddies and ordered a kit. Polly was lucky enough to be born with the most beautiful head of dark hair and the thought of shaving it made me want to cry. I decided to book a consultation and fitting with Mr Gault. I did this and then let my partner know. I thought he would be so against it but having known me most of my life, he knew my hang-ups about my ears, and when I explained what needed to be done he agreed.

Baby with Stick Out Ear
Baby Ears Stick Out Review of EarBuddies

Mr Gault was lovely and could see how nervous I was. I explained everything to him and he listened and then carefully fitted Polly's EarBuddies. She was asleep the whole time! She was 2 weeks old. This may seem extreme but I am pleased we have done it. We are happy with the changes it has made to Polly, despite the hair cut! We were worried people may think it cruel but she is our baby and it is ultimately our decision. If you are hesitant, please go for it, we are glad we did."

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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