"Our little boy Alessandro was born in March 2018 and, after about three months, we noticed that his ears had started to drift further and further out. By the time he was 5 months, they were noticeably protruding and we found that they would fold over on themselves when we were holding him in a cradle position, putting a hat on him or putting him into his car seat.
Although our son is the most beautiful thing in the world to us, we were both conscious of the possibility of him being teased for having 'stick out ears'. I had a prominent squint as a child and know first hand how an aesthetic problem can impact on self-esteem and lead to bullying. So we were intrigued when my sister (a GP) told us that she had read about a way of bringing Alessandro's ears back in without the need for surgery.
After doing our research and going through lots of parent testimonials on the EarBuddies website we decided to the plunge and we are so glad we did! As you can see from the before and after progress photos attached, the splints have made a huge difference to Alessandro's ears.
Before EarBuddies - September 2018 at 6 Months Old
Late November 2018 - After 10 Weeks
January 2019 - After 16 Weeks
Although we were initially worried that he might be too old for the splints to be effective, we've found the results really impressive. We've even managed to keep up splinting while Alessandro went through teething (and the ear pulling that goes with it!). Although we had a few occasions on which he ripped the tapes off in his sleep, with a little perseverance and taking our time we've manage to stick at it and achieve brilliant results.
Now Alessandro has finished his EarBuddies journey, his ears are looking fantastic. We’ve had so many positive comments about what a huge difference it’s made and couldn’t be more pleased. To any parents who aren’t sure yet, we’d say do take the plunge - even with an older baby it doesn’t take long to master applying and removing the splints and the results are great. Alessandro hasn’t been in pain or bothered at all by the splints and we think he’ll be very happy with the look of his ears in the future. Thank you EarBuddies!"