Anne & her Daughter

April 15, 2020

Anne & her Daughter

"When my daughter was born my husband and I immediately noticed that one ear was misshapen. At first we didn’t think much of it, but after researching, we discovered that she had a Stahl's ear and if we acted fast it could be easily corrected. We debated correcting the ear or not and ultimately decided to do it as if when our daughter was older, and she wanted it corrected, it would require expensive surgery. The children’s hospital we called would charge thousands of dollars to correct one ear. With EarBuddies we corrected our baby’s ear in just two weeks for about $85.

Baby Stahls Ear

Before EarBuddies

Baby Ear fixed with Ear Buddies

After 2 weeks

Everything we read said the earlier the better for correcting the ear so I was happy the shipping to the US was fast which let us get the EarBuddies on when she was just 11 days old. My husband and I are so happy with our decision to use EarBuddies and wish more doctors were aware of how easy it can be to correct some ear deformities. None of our doctors knew anything about ear shaping and we were lucky to have discovered EarBuddies when we did."

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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